How to Buy a Used Drago
Understanding Drago features can help maximize your ROI.
When you’re in the market for a used corn head, choosing a Drago is one of the smartest decisions you can make.
Dustin Bollig, farmer and vice president of sales and marketing for Dragotec, explains that in most cases, a used Drago Series II or Drago GT will capture more yield than a new full-line brand, and given a similar harvest history, will exceed the durability of any full-line brand, too.
It’s about ROI
“Buying used is a personal preference based on harvest and financial needs,” Bollig says. “As it should be with any equipment purchase, the bottom line is to choose a used corn head for its return on investment more than just its price. That’s why there’s such a strong demand for used Dragos.”
“A Series II has 90% of the yield-capture features of a GT,” he adds. “Both models have automatic self-adjusting deck plates, aggressive gathering chains and the longest knife rollers in the industry. The GT includes QuadSuspension™ ‘ear shocks’ and larger auger, plus an all-gear drive and a multi-clutch system that gives it an edge in technology.
Shopping for a Drago
Bollig says that many of the same considerations when shopping for a used full-line corn head brand also apply to a used Drago, including age, overall condition, wear of key components and visible damage.
“Buyers need to do their homework — to learn more about its previous ownership — where the corn head was used and the care it was given,” he says. “Some soil types, such as sandy soils, for example, are harder on corn head components, including gathering chains and poly bonnets. And a corn head that has been shedded is always a plus.”
Drago corn heads include technologies found on no other brand. Bollig says potential buyers should understand how to evaluate those unique features when considering a used purchase.
He adds that Drago mounting hardware is brand specific. “A Drago set up to run on a Deere combine can’t just be taken off the lot and mounted to a Case without changing its adapting hardware,” he says. “Any Drago dealer can help make sure the Drago corn head you want is properly adapted for the combine you own.”
Deck plates
Starting with the Drago deck plates, Bollig says potential buyers should look for excessive wear. “Drago deck plates wear more evenly from front to back than our competition — which tend to wear or dish out in one spot. Given that wear, one should check to be sure deck plates aren’t overly sharp or worn at the front.”
Knife rollers
Check the spacing between the roller knives. If the spacing is wide, Bollig says that Drago knives are adjustable. “Every blade has slotted holes so they can be moved. As long as the knives still have a tungsten edge, they can be used without having to be replaced.”
He adds that Drago chopper blades are double-edged and can be turned over for extended wear.
Bollig advises prospective buyers to examine chains and check the chain tension to see how far it has been adjusted — which can indicate overall wear. “Chains may need to be replaced or simply tightened up,” he says. “Depending on the acres, it’s likely the Series II auger chain will need to be replaced.”
If gathering chains have been replaced, try to learn if they were off-brand or Drago brand chains. Off-brand chains not only wear faster, but they are also likely to cause excessive sprocket wear too.
Drago gears are manufactured to extreme tolerances and will last a lifetime, Bollig says. He suggests looking for signs of past lubrication in bearings and checking oil levels as an indication of care and maintenance.
Certified Drago parts
Bollig says, as with any brand of corn head — new or used — Drago corn head components, including deck plates, roller knives, chopping blades and gathering chains will eventually wear and need to be replaced.
“When they are worn, it pays to choose certified Drago parts rather than cheaper knock-off parts,” he says. “Metallurgy tests and field research have shown that genuine Drago parts are significantly higher quality and perform longer. Roller knives, for example, last three times longer than off-brand blades. Added chrome on Drago chain pins allows them to run cooler, last longer and wear sprockets less.
“Certified Drago Parts can save you thousands of dollars in parts and labor.”
The Drago dealer
Producers have options for purchasing used equipment, including private party, online, at auction and from a Drago dealer, depending on the buyer’s preference and comfort level.
“Of course, our dealers have specific training on brand features and maintenance, and can better assist you with your harvest needs. Our dealers can provide support and added confidence with your purchase,” Bollig says.
Join Drago Club
“All Drago owners should sign up for Drago Club,” hr says. “We offer this exclusive online portal to provide a wide variety of Drago maintenance and service videos that help extend the life and performance of their machines.”

Online auctions
Online auctions are increasingly popular for purchasing farm equipment. Of course, a personal visual inspection is always best, but in lieu of that, learning a few additional details can give you a better idea of the corn head’s condition and how well it has been maintained and serviced.
Along with general questions you might ask about any other brand of corn head, here are a few that are more specific to purchasing a Drago corn head. Visit our Drago Certified Parts page to learn more about the benefits of keeping your Drago all Drago.
Questions for the seller
- What is the condition of the gathering chains?
- Are they stretched or worn?
- Have the gathering chains been replaced?
- If so, how long ago and with what brand?
- As noted above, off-brand chains not only wear faster, but they also add wear to the sprockets too.
- What is the condition of the deck plates?
- How are the stalk rolls?
- Are they worn or damaged?
- Have they been replaced?
- Are the stalk-roll knives in good condition?
- Do they still have a tungsten edge?
- Have they been adjusted, reversed or replaced?
- If replaced, then with what brand?
- Metallurgy studies prove Drago-brand knives last three times longer than aftermarket knives.
- Are the chopper knives in good condition?
- Do they still have a tungsten edge?
- Have they been reversed or replaced?
- If replaced, with what brand?
- If possible, do you have maintenance records available?